You will need: firefox, flash 9, ce5.5 (Go to Useful Downloads in my menu to download them)
1. Make sure your recycle points is close to the nearest trophy reward. EXAMPLE: Environmentalist requires 20,000 recycle points. Stop at around 19,000 points.
2. Brush your pet.
3. Buy an item. Hint: Buy an apple is the cheapest.
4. Open your CE 5.5, select firefox as process, TICK HEX, 8 bytes, ALSO SCAN READ-ONLY MEM
5. Scan "110FF2D045590FF2"
6. 1 address found. Copy that address and paste it in the generator below.
7. Scan "7D8B000005B38F0F"
8. 1 address found. Copy that address and paste it in the generator below.
9. Click ENVIAR and copy out all the codes generated.
10. In CE, click Tools > Auto Assemble.
11. Paste the codes and click EXECUTE.
12. Now brush/soap your pet and get some easy coins.
13. Visit a friend, recycle an item that gives you MORE points than required to get the trophy. EXAMPLE: You need 500 more recycle points to get your recycle trophy. Recycle any item that gives MORE than 500 recycle points.
14. Click it 5 times. If you see nothing happening, GOOD, YOU'RE DOING IT CORRECTLY. After 5 clicks, click on the "X" to close the window.
15. Now you will see an announcement that you have got the recycle trophy. There will be 5 of
such announcements. As you click OK, you will get the coins.
16. Repeat steps 13 - 15 if you want more coins. HAVE FUN. video laterrrr.
Texto alternativo para navegadores que no aceptan iframes.
means? if i have the 2nd throphy, we need to be nearer to the 3rd throphy then we can use this hack???????
nope, u can jus use it.
example there are some unfilled trophy. u just need to do tat action to get it. a total of 3 level for each trohpy.
I dont understand. What trophy do u mean unfilled? a recycle or what? what do u mean a total 3 level?
What i understand, if say i'm currently 60,000 point for my recycle point. To reach the Golden trophy(3rd) are 10000 and i need 40000. Thus we need to get nearer to 100,000 such as 99,999. Then the trophy will be available and we can get the money.
The problem is, i dont have a lot of recycle. because. The problems now is i cant click more than 3 times or else the mayor will come.
So can u elaborate more what u said by u can just use it by doing 'that action' which i dont know to get the 3 level for each trophy?
Okay, you see there are 3 level for recycle. Example u need 20,000 for the 2nd level. And you currently have 10,000. Therefore you need another 10,000 points to hit 20,000. So you need to take an item that lets you get 10,000 recycle points.
You take that and recycle and click the tick 5 time and then click "x" to close it.
Thats what i mean.. If i already at 2nd trophy, i need to get nearer to 100,000 let say 90,000 then i recycle things which have 10,000 points..
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