Click to play
You will need:
- ce 5.5
- axife mouse recorder (Download)
- firefox
- flash 9
1. Sell something in Pet Society
2. Select firefox as process, tick hex, 8bytes, tick asrom
3. Scan "840FFF85C12A0FF2"
4. 1 address found. Disassemble it.
5. Scroll up to this line "add esp,0c"
6. Click Tool > Auto assemble > Template > Code injection > OK
7. Scroll down the code and you will see this line "originalcode:"
8. There will be 2 lines of code below this "originalcode". REPLACE THE 2 LINES OF CODE WITH THIS:
add esp,0c
je play9fish
mov [ebp-18],3E8
mov ecx,[ebp-18]
9. Click EXECUTE > OK
10. Now in PS, go to stadium, bet in a race with only 5 coins and select any person.
11. It is not 100% win but when you win, you get 1000 coins.
12. Using Axife Mouse Recorder, record the mouse movements to help you auto bet the race while you sleep,eat,shit,doanythingyouwant.
13. You may lose some races but winning 1000coins with only 5coins is still a very good deal.
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